Saturday, December 31, 2011

  1. Discovering the God Imagination - Jonathan Brink
  2. Fall to Grace - Jay Bakker
  3. Son of a Preacher Man - Jay Bakker
  4. My Beautiful Mess - Jeremy Ritch
  5. The Girls from Ames - Jeffery Zaslow
  6. City of Bones
  7. City of Ashes
  8. City of Glass - all by Cassandra Clare
  9. Paranormalcy - Kiersten White
  10. Sex God
  11. Velvet Elvis
  12. Love Wins - all by Rob Bell
  13. Unconditional - Brian Zahn
  14. A New Kind of Christianity
  15. The Secret Message of Jesus
  16. Finding Our Way Again - all by Brian McLaren
  17. A Desperate Journey - Debra Parmley
  18. Cross Road Blues - Troy D. Smith
  19. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - Barbara Kingslover
  20. You Know You Should be Glad - Bob Greene
  21. Bulletproof Faith - Candace Chellew Hodge
  22. Peace, Love and Baby Ducks - Lauren Myracle
  23. The Help - Kathryn Stockett
  24. Vegan Virgin Valentine - Carolyn Mackler
  25. I, Coriander - Sally Gardner
  26. The New Christians - Tony Jones
  27. Uncensored Prayer - Joy Wilson
  28. Life Makovers - Cheryl Richardson
  29. Touch - Rudy Rasmus
  30. I Am Rembrandt's Daughter - Lynn Cullen
  31. Corsets and Clockwork - Trisha Telep (editor)
  32. Screamfree Parenting - Hal Runkel
  33. My Dyslexia - Philip Schultz
  34. The Writing Diet -Julia Cameron
  35. What God Has Joined Together - Myers and Scanzoni
  36. Elvis, Willie, Jesus and Me - Bert Montgomery
  37. Psychic Pancakes and Communion Pizza - Bert Montgomery
  38. Pirates - Marco Carini and Flora Macallan
  39. The Practice of Love - Johnathan Brink (editor)
  40. Down We Go - Kathy Escobar
  41. The Orthodox Heretic - Peter Rollins
  42. Dressing Your Truth - Carol Tuttle
  43. Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
  44. The Story We Find Ourselves In - Brian McLaren
  45. The Last Word and The Word After That - Brian McLaren
  46. Creating With God: The Holy Confusing Blessedness of Pregnancy - Sarah Jobe - disclaimer I am NOT pregnant nor do I plan to be at any point in the future.
  47. Leviathan
  48. Behemoth
  49. Goliath - all by Scott Westerfield
  50. The Girl Who Couldn't Say No: Memoir of a Teenage Mom - Tracy Engelbrecht
  51. Virdis - Calista Taylor
  52. One IM-Perfect Christmas - Myra Johnson
  53. The Blood of Patriots - Troy D. Smith
  54. The Strange Case of Finley Jane - Kady Cross
  55. The Weight of Shadows - Allison Strobel
At the beginning of 2011 I set out to read 52 books in 52 weeks...I read far more than that but keeping track of what I read isn't my strong suite. This is the list of the ones I can document. I got a kindle fire for Christmas and I've read the last dozen in the last two weeks plus more. I LOOOOOVE my Kindle! In 2012 I intend to continue with the 52 books project and I'm going to be doing some kind of project 365 as well...stay tuned!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 41 - Time to Update The List

  1. Discovering the God Imagination - Jonathan Brink 
  2. Fall to Grace - Jay Bakker 
  3. Son of a Preacher Man - Jay Bakker 
  4. My Beautiful Mess - Jeremy Ritch
  5. The Girls from Ames - Jeffery Zaslow
  6. City of Bones 
  7. City of Ashes 
  8. City of Glass - all by Cassandra Clare 
  9. Paranormalcy - Kiersten White 
  10. Sex God
  11. Velvet Elvis
  12. Love Wins - all by Rob Bell 
  13. Unconditional - Brian Zahn 
  14. A New Kind of Christianity 
  15. The Secret Message of Jesus 
  16. Finding Our Way Again - all by Brian McLaren 
  17. A Desperate Journey - Debra Parmley 
  18. Cross Road Blues - Troy D. Smith 
  19. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - Barbara Kingslover 
  20. You Know You Should be Glad - Bob Greene 
  21. Bulletproof Faith - Candace Chellew Hodge
  22. Peace, Love and Baby Ducks - Lauren Myracle 
  23. The Help - Kathryn Stockett
  24. Vegan Virgin Valentine - Carolyn Mackler
  25. I, Coriander - Sally Gardner
  26. The New Christians - Tony Jones
  27. Uncensored Prayer - Joy Wilson
  28. Life Makovers - Cheryl Richardson
  29. Touch - Rudy Rasmus
  30. I Am Rembrandt's Daughter - Lynn Cullen
  31. Corsets and Clockwork - Trisha Telep (editor)
  32. Screamfree Parenting - Hal Runkel 
  33. My Dyslexia - Philip Schultz
  34. The Writing Diet -Julia Cameron
  35. What God Has Joined Together - Myers and Scanzoni
  36. Elvis, Willie, Jesus and Me - Bert Montgomery
  37. Psychic Pancakes and Communion Pizza - Bert Montgomery
  38. Pirates - Marco Carini and Flora Macallan
  39. The Practice of Love - Johnathan Brink (editor)
  40. Down We Go - Kathy Escobar
  41.  ?
I am waiting on the arrival of a large Amazon order, six new books, hopefully today. I will try and expand on some of what I've read in future blog posts. Kathy Escobar's is one that I'll be going back over with a highlighter and making margin notes.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

22 Weeks In

So I'm pretty horrible about writing book reviews. I love to read. I love to write. I don't so much love to write about what I am reading. How odd. Anyway here I am 22 weeks in and I thought I should at least list what I've read thus far this year to see where I am in my 52 in 52 goal:
  1. Discovering the God Imagination - Jonathan Brink 
  2. Fall to Grace - Jay Bakker 
  3. Son of a Preacher Man - Jay Bakker 
  4. My Beautiful Mess - Jeremy Ritch
  5. The Girls from Ames - Jeffery Zaslow
  6. City of Bones 
  7. City of Ashes 
  8. City of Glass - all by Cassandra Clare 
  9. Paranormalcy - Kiersten White 
  10. Sex God
  11. Velvet Elvis
  12. Love Wins - all by Rob Bell 
  13. Unconditional - Brian Zahn 
  14. A New Kind of Christianity 
  15. The Secret Message of Jesus 
  16. Finding Our Way Again - all by Brian McLaren 
  17. A Desperate Journey - Debra Parmley 
  18. Cross Road Blues - Troy D. Smith 
  19. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - Barbara Kingslover 
  20. You Know You Should be Glad - Bob Greene 
  21. Bulletproof Faith - Candace Chellew Hodge
  22. Peace, Love and Baby Ducks - Lauren Myracle 
Still reading #14 and pretty sure I left off a couple so I'm very much on track. Go me!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

More Thoughts on "Fall To Grace"

From the introduction to the co-author's notes at the end Fall to Grace is one of those books I simply could not put down. I read into the wee hours of the morning as the snow fell and piled high (for Tennessee) outside the windows. Using the book of Galatians as his backdrop and sprinkling first person testimonies called "Grace Notes" between the sections of his text Jay Bakker issues a call to a hurting world and an all too often legalistic bullying church/political culture to understand the revolution that is God's Grace.

As I read others reviews of this book I was shocked to see all kinds of things that in my opinion the reviewer had to read into the text. One such review claimed that this is a gospel of Universalism, one that denies the need for the individual to accept God's grace and in so doing denies the core of the Christian faith. I am baffled as to where this reviewer got that idea. In the first sentence of Chapter 4 he states "At the core of Paul's idea of Grace is the belief that man is freed from religious law and reconciled with God through Jesus' life, death and sacrifice." Seems pretty orthodox to me.

I suspect that those who take issue with Jay Bakker's message do so for one of two reasons. The first being that he is the son of disgraced televangelist Jim Bakker and the second being that like his late mother, Tammy Faye Bakker, Jay is LGBTQ affirming and accepting, arguing for full equality including the right of same gender couples to marry. Regardless of your position on the LGBT issue "Fall to Grace" is a thought provoking biblically sound message and one that many who have been hurt by the church need desperately to hear. I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Next On The Reading List


I've been reading Girl Genius online for a couple of years starting from the beginning and catching up to the current page in a weekend and then reading on Monday, Wednesday and Friday regularly. I can't wait to get my hands on the new novel and I'll be checking the bookstores for it tomorrow!

Fall To Grace - Jay Bakker

We got snow this week so I have had more time to read than usual. On Sunday, before the predicted "Snowmaggedon" hit our area, I went to Barnes and Noble and picked up Jay Bakker's new book "Fall to Grace" 

I got to know Jay Bakker a bit over a month ago now. Some of my readers may know the name, he's the son of Jim and the late Tammy Faye Bakker of PTL fame. He's also one of the most genuine people I know. I'm going to pick up his first book, "Son of a Preacher Man" from the library as soon as I can get out from the snow. I won't even begin to go into Jay's story, he tells it much better than I could and if you're doing the 52 in 52 you can add it to your list and read it for yourself. "Fall to Grace" is an exploration of what Grace is really all about. It draws on the book of Galatians and on Jay's life experience and on the stories of others, "Grace Notes" inserted between the sections, to build a beautiful case for grace. 
Jay's writing style is natural and easy to read. As the mother of a dyslexic child I find it profoundly comforting to read the work of a profoundly dyslexic author. He does use a co-writer, Martin Edlund, but the voice in the book is clearly Jay's. I found the book encouraging on so many levels. It is a perfect match to Jonathan Brink's book, which I am still reading and pondering over. 

Jay will be doing book signings in several parts of the country. If you're in any of these areas you need to check him out: 

Fall to Grace, Book signing tour dates!

by Jay Bakker on Friday, January 7, 2011 at 2:04pm
·         January 14 at 7:30pm – Book Signing at Spoonbill & Sugartown, 218 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211
·         January 17 at 7:00pm – Book Signing at Borders, 7836 Rea Road, Charlotte, NC 28277
·         January 19 at 7:00pm – Book Signing at Borders, 650 Ponce de Leon, Ste. 500, Atlanta, GA 30308
·         January 22 at 7:00pm – Book Signing at BookPeople, 603 North Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78703
·         January 24 at 7:00pm – Book Signing at Borders, 400 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 94102

Thursday, January 06, 2011

I'm 82 Pages and 4 Chapters In

This is presenting a fascinating paradigm...starting with the creation story a case is being made that the problem created in the garden when we (humanity) chose to eat of the tree of knowledge of good/evil is that we lost our capacity to see ourselves in the truth of how God sees us (he proclaimed humanity at creation to be "very good") and that it is not God or Satan who must be appeased at the Cross but rather humanity's own demands based on our flawed judgment of what happened in the Garden. It is a fascinating premise. I'm curious to see how it develops.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

How This Is Going To Work

So I'm thinking that I won't be reading a book a week necessarily...some weeks I may read more than one and some books may take more than a week to read. My goal is 52 in 52 not a book a week. This week's book is by my outlaw preacher friend Jonathan Brink. I got it from him at OP10 - the Outlaw Preacher's (re)Union last month and haven't gotten started on it yet. His breakout session on it was very thought provoking and I'm looking forward to reading it. I expect this one to take more than one week.

Discovering the God Imagination: Jonathan Brink 

I am excited about engaging with this book. The concept he is exploring here is not one I'm sure I agree with but the little bit we talked about in the group session has me wanting to dig more deeply into scripture to see if its possible that we've gotten a whole lot of things all tangled up by not understanding what happened in Eden.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

This Poor Blog

I'm sure it must suffer from an identity crisis. Over the years of its existence it has been:

  1. A place for my random thoughts
  2. A geocaching blog 
  3. A bento cooking blog 
  4. A homeschooling mama blog 
And now the blog for keeping track of what I'm reading for the 52 books in 52 weeks 2011 challenge.

Jessica and I are embarking on a challenge to read 52 books in 52 weeks. She's dyslexic so it may be much more a challenge to her than to me. We shall see. Her blog can be found at this link so please check in and encourage her as the year goes along. At any rate this old blog is getting a new purpose and a new look for the New Year. Happy Reading!