Saturday, December 31, 2011

  1. Discovering the God Imagination - Jonathan Brink
  2. Fall to Grace - Jay Bakker
  3. Son of a Preacher Man - Jay Bakker
  4. My Beautiful Mess - Jeremy Ritch
  5. The Girls from Ames - Jeffery Zaslow
  6. City of Bones
  7. City of Ashes
  8. City of Glass - all by Cassandra Clare
  9. Paranormalcy - Kiersten White
  10. Sex God
  11. Velvet Elvis
  12. Love Wins - all by Rob Bell
  13. Unconditional - Brian Zahn
  14. A New Kind of Christianity
  15. The Secret Message of Jesus
  16. Finding Our Way Again - all by Brian McLaren
  17. A Desperate Journey - Debra Parmley
  18. Cross Road Blues - Troy D. Smith
  19. Animal, Vegetable, Miracle - Barbara Kingslover
  20. You Know You Should be Glad - Bob Greene
  21. Bulletproof Faith - Candace Chellew Hodge
  22. Peace, Love and Baby Ducks - Lauren Myracle
  23. The Help - Kathryn Stockett
  24. Vegan Virgin Valentine - Carolyn Mackler
  25. I, Coriander - Sally Gardner
  26. The New Christians - Tony Jones
  27. Uncensored Prayer - Joy Wilson
  28. Life Makovers - Cheryl Richardson
  29. Touch - Rudy Rasmus
  30. I Am Rembrandt's Daughter - Lynn Cullen
  31. Corsets and Clockwork - Trisha Telep (editor)
  32. Screamfree Parenting - Hal Runkel
  33. My Dyslexia - Philip Schultz
  34. The Writing Diet -Julia Cameron
  35. What God Has Joined Together - Myers and Scanzoni
  36. Elvis, Willie, Jesus and Me - Bert Montgomery
  37. Psychic Pancakes and Communion Pizza - Bert Montgomery
  38. Pirates - Marco Carini and Flora Macallan
  39. The Practice of Love - Johnathan Brink (editor)
  40. Down We Go - Kathy Escobar
  41. The Orthodox Heretic - Peter Rollins
  42. Dressing Your Truth - Carol Tuttle
  43. Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain
  44. The Story We Find Ourselves In - Brian McLaren
  45. The Last Word and The Word After That - Brian McLaren
  46. Creating With God: The Holy Confusing Blessedness of Pregnancy - Sarah Jobe - disclaimer I am NOT pregnant nor do I plan to be at any point in the future.
  47. Leviathan
  48. Behemoth
  49. Goliath - all by Scott Westerfield
  50. The Girl Who Couldn't Say No: Memoir of a Teenage Mom - Tracy Engelbrecht
  51. Virdis - Calista Taylor
  52. One IM-Perfect Christmas - Myra Johnson
  53. The Blood of Patriots - Troy D. Smith
  54. The Strange Case of Finley Jane - Kady Cross
  55. The Weight of Shadows - Allison Strobel
At the beginning of 2011 I set out to read 52 books in 52 weeks...I read far more than that but keeping track of what I read isn't my strong suite. This is the list of the ones I can document. I got a kindle fire for Christmas and I've read the last dozen in the last two weeks plus more. I LOOOOOVE my Kindle! In 2012 I intend to continue with the 52 books project and I'm going to be doing some kind of project 365 as well...stay tuned!

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