Sunday, November 11, 2007


Because the poison ivy is beginning to die, the snakes are back in their holes for the most part and the ticks are back wherever ticks go when it gets cold. It was SO good to get back out today! The weather was perfect and the company made up for the fact that we only had a couple of finds.

We also stumbled on our first letterbox today! It was cool. I may throw a stamp in the cache bag for future occasions.

Today we went out to Shelby Farms looking for caches. We started with one of cgeek's "evil micros" out at the Farmer's market. I got the find on that one. It wasn't as evil as some of hers are known to be and I'm getting more familiar with how she thinks. :) We headed back to the picnic table and chowed down on the chicken salad I'd made and brought along. After lunch we went after "Calibration Station" but we only found the 1st stage. I'm not 100% sure how to log that actually. The second stage is on my to do list for very soon. Maybe even next weekend. I've got to figure out how to see where a given group of caches are. I thought I had picked Shelby Farms caches but none of the ones I picked seemed to be in the boundaries of the park itself. I think maybe the google maps feature will help me with that.

We tried for "Nothing to Cheer About" but we DNF'd that one. There was a lot of muggle activity at the nearby BMX track and I wonder if it has perhaps been geomuggled...either that or maybe it was somewhere in the muck we were wading around in.

We decided to head back over toward the farmer's market area and go after "Wetlands Sometimes" which is where we found the letterbox. We also found the cache and were able to swap some swag.

We had a brand new cacher with us today so she got to experience 1) a micro, 2) a stage of a multi, 3) a DNF and 4) a full sized cache with swag to swap and as a bonus 5) A letterbox. Pretty good variety for a newbie.

It was a perfect day for caching...and man have I missed it!

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