Friday, November 28, 2003

My Redneck Friends

Ok, I'm probably not being wise writing this here where the people in question could theoretically stumble across it, but I am so frustrated with the redneck, bigoted, anti-Semitic attitudes that have recently been revealed by some of the people I grew up with! To witt...the whole "The Jews Killed Jesus" crap.

Let's think about this people. If Jesus Christ was God incarnate, it would have been impossible for any mere mortal to kill him. Indeed it WAS impossible for any mere mortal to kill him. Hence him having to give up his spirit while on the cross. Do supposedly Christian people NOT understand that the Cross HAD TO HAPPEN? IT wasn't some tragic cosmic accident that could have been prevented were it not for those horrible Jews wanting Barabbas. Christ was BORN CRUCIFIED. Had it been necessary he would have NAILED HIMSELF to the cross to accomplish his purpose. And make no mistake, the cross WAS his purpose. The JEWS did NOT kill Jesus. I killed Jesus. You killed Jesus. OUR SINS were what put him on that Cross and his compassion was what kept him there. The Sanhedrin were just tools in the hand of God to accomplish his plans and to fulfill the prophecies he made concerning himself. He could have called down LEGIONS of angels to defend him. THE JEWS DID NOT KILL JESUS and the continued insistence that they are somehow more culpable than any other of us sinful people that he LAID DOWN HIS LIFE for is preposterous. Did we learn NOTHING from the holocaust?

I am sure that I have stirred up a storm over on my class BB but dang it I'm tired of this ignorance going unchallenged. Jesus WAS Jewish!

Frustrated! So very discouraged and frustrated by this. When will I learn not to expect anything better from my redneck friends?


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