Saturday, September 13, 2003

House Hunting Makes My Head Hurt

I haven't blogged much recently because of the fact that we are searching for a new home. I have discovered that house hunting makes my head hurt and financing makes it hurt even worse. However we received word yesterday that we are pre-approved. Yeah! Of course this means that we must now decide for serious if the house we have been daydreaming over for weeks is the one we really want to put an offer on and what our max offer will be. I feel a migraine coming on even as I type this.

My stress level has been incredible and my eating disorder is almost out of control. The most I can claim as victory is the awareness that I am losing my grip. Sometimes that is a victory worth celebrating and this is one of those times. Other areas of my life have been at the fore recently and I became distracted. The eating disorder is my "default setting" and I revert to it in times of stress because it "feels" comfortable. For the first time I am able to step back and see this happening. The last two or three days I'm feeling more in control again. This is good.

In the midst of all this I'm homeschooling, teaching 4 classes in co-op, carting the 6 year old back and forth to various lessons and trying to find some time for me. Contemplating moving terrifies me but I will manage it when the time comes. I always do.

Was there a point to this? Probably not. Did I find something within it that is useful to me. As always, yes. Celebrate the small victories and don't beat myself up about the seemingly large failures and I will be much more able to cope with life the universe and everthing.


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