Sunday, January 02, 2011

How This Is Going To Work

So I'm thinking that I won't be reading a book a week necessarily...some weeks I may read more than one and some books may take more than a week to read. My goal is 52 in 52 not a book a week. This week's book is by my outlaw preacher friend Jonathan Brink. I got it from him at OP10 - the Outlaw Preacher's (re)Union last month and haven't gotten started on it yet. His breakout session on it was very thought provoking and I'm looking forward to reading it. I expect this one to take more than one week.

Discovering the God Imagination: Jonathan Brink 

I am excited about engaging with this book. The concept he is exploring here is not one I'm sure I agree with but the little bit we talked about in the group session has me wanting to dig more deeply into scripture to see if its possible that we've gotten a whole lot of things all tangled up by not understanding what happened in Eden.

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