Friday, January 06, 2006

Bashful's Tale -- Part 3

*as one of my new years resolutions I have resolved to write at least every other day. I'm picking up Bashful's Tale where I left it off last year. I hope to finish it before long. Enjoy the next installment.*

After a dinner such as that the boys and I felt festive so we brought the instruments out and played. She seemed so delighted by our pitiful offering. She a princess that had grown up hearing the sweet sounds of a professional orchestra took such delight in our simple music. She danced and clapped and laughed. I got the idea that she should have a partner so I got Dopey on my shoulders and we put on a long coat and danced with her. I could have died a happy man right at that moment.

We decided that the princess should have our room for the night. We all made palettes on the floor and lay awake around the fire discussing what we should do about our guest.

“She cant stay here!” Grumpy grumbled. “Taint safe!”

“What do you mean taint safe? Safe for who? Her or us?” I demanded. The boys looked at me in shock. I rarely ever spoke, that was why they called me Bashful. “Are we such cowards that we’d send the likes of her out into the cold to save our own skins? The queen thinks she’s dead. Let her go on thinking that. She’ll be safe here. She needs a place to stay. She needs to stay here.”

The boys stared at me, jaws agape. It was the longest speech I’d ever made in my life. I half couldn’t believe it myself. My love for her gave me courage I guess for I’d have died rather than let them send her away.

Finally Doc spoke. “Bashful’s making sense. We can’t send the poor child out into the wilderness to fend for herself. Winter’s coming on. She can stay here. We’ll work it out.”

And so it was settled.

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