The Waiting -- Day 30
And still we wait. On day 28 we wrote the THIRD version of our contract. They finally, on day 24, countered our counter. They said that 85K was as low as they could possibly go. After much prayer we agreed. With concessions. Lots and lots of concessions. And now we wait some more.
Truly if they come back with a reasonable counter I will be willing to drop about half the concessions. But we NEED them to pay the closing costs. We NEED them to provide us with a one year home warranty. We NEED them to purchase us a termite contract. The rest, even the termite contract actually, are negotiable.
We have searched and prayed and negotiated in good faith. I am now at peace. If the deal tanks I will know that WE did everything within reason to make it happen, we were simply dealing with unreasonable people. Sadly there is another buyer that is interested in the area who has more resources at his disposal and needent make such a tight deal. If we lose the house, it likely won't remain on the market for us to try again at a later time when they are more willing to be reasonable.
And so we wait.
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