Political Ramblings
Been thinking a lot about politics lately. I don't understand party politics. I've been debating this on my class BB and It has clarified a LOT about why I always have voted independent. I am registered Republican but only because you had to be SOMETHING to vote in the primaries.
I think that being loyal to a particular party would actually make things easier. Not saying that D’Lo does this (because I’ve debated with him enough to know that he does NOT) but voting party line would make it easier because you REALLY don’t have to think about all this stuff. You just push the button by the person with Democrat by their name (or Republican if you’re of that party) and you’re done. No need to struggle with the ideology of the person if it conflicts with your own.
Basically I have issues with both parties and I can’t seem to overlook them enough to affiliate with either party. I believe in representative government and I want to elect people who most closely represent the things that I value. Sometimes that comes down to a choice of the lesser of two evils, most of the time in fact. Perhaps I feel too strongly about this but in my opinion, voting party without seriously looking into the person is the path to putting the next Hitler or Saddam Hussein into place. I realize that sounds extreme. However, once a person is elected it is THEIR values and beliefs, not those of their political party that will rule the day. I suppose that is why I could never vote a party line.
Like Bruce, I lean Republican because I see them as the party that promotes and rewards initiative and personal responsibility. I am all for social responsibility but see a great deal of what the government is doing (caring for widows and orphans and the poor of this country) as properly the job of the church and once the government took over that function the church washed its hands and said "one less thing for us to do", both institutions have been negatively affected by this and it has bred at least two or three generations that are content to live on handouts. But from D'Lo's side I see the issue of big business being irresponsible corporate citizens and focusing only on the bottom line with the result of American jobs being outsourced overseas. And I think both sides stink on the issue of Life. The Republicans are pro death penalty while the Democrats are pro abortion. So I study the people and see who is most in line with how I feel on particular issues and that is the person I vote for. Period.